
Establishing Credibility on Your Pay Per Click Landing Page

When people visit your site, they are asking: Can I trust the information on this site? Can I trust in the services this site describes? And a winning landing page or website Xbox 360 Audio Video Cable has a lot to do with establishing credibility with your visitors. So, what’s the most important aspect to gaining credibility?A fairly recent study by consumerwebwatch.org (consumerwebwatch.org/dynamic/web-credibility-reports-evaluate-abstract.cfm) found that only 1% of respondents thought a privacy policy was important in terms of establishing trust. People didn’t care about sponsorships. Or the identity of the site owner.They found that when people assessed a real Web site's credibility they did not use rigorous Apple Iphone Screen criteria. Amazingly, the overwhelming credibility determinant was site design - layout, Apply Nail Polish typography, font size and color schemes!The study showed that nearly half of all consumers (or 46.1%) paid far more attention to the superficial visual aspects (such as layout, typography, font size and color schemes) of a site than to its content or what it said. So, if you’ve managed to get someone to click on one of your ads, you Usb To Mini Usb Cable don’t want to lose them because your site is outdated and not visually appealing or not professional looking. This may just be the most important aspect to establishing trust and getting your visitor to contact you. The more people that contact you once they reach your landing page, the higher your conversion rate and the lower your cost per email or call!

